Chinese Modalities Chinese Herbs are a potent and gentle way of healing the body and their Materia medica dates from before 300 AD. Herbal formulas are designed by the practitioner for the specific needs of the individual. The herbs prescribed in this practice are tested rigorously and organic herbs are obtained when possible. |
Acupuncture Acupuncture is a health care system founded on Taoist and Buddhist spiritual beliefs. In Western medicine, acupuncture's know effects include the enhancement of various types of neurotransmitter activities in the central nervous system, such as endogenous opiates, serotonin, and especially norepinephrine, which are known to bring the body into a self-soothing state. In Chinese medicine, it is the Qi of the body that is affected and brought back into balance. The Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner seeks to restore balance so that harmony can be brought back to the individual both internally (emotional, personal health), and externally (social, familial affairs). |
Taoist internal organ massage Taoist internal organ massage (Chi Nei Tsang) is a type of Chinese massage that is often deep and vigorous, braking up the fascia, or, as Chinese medicine has it, "removing blockages." Chi Nei Tsang releases emotional tension that is often held in the abdomen and helps with digestive issues, as well as creating vitality. |